Friday, August 12, 2011

How does time pass so quickly?

Should be heading to bed; I was talked into a "you are certain to get wet and muddy" 5k obstacle course tomorrow - though for a good cause - what was I thinking?

My yard looks awesome - there are always more projects, but the pruning is so so so much better. 

I need to write more.  Make more art.  Breath deeper.  Count my blessings.  Keep walking forward.

Smiling, I am calling it a day.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I am doing what I need to to be clear.  Sure.  While at the same time dreaming and visioning the future I want.  I like to think that we can have it all - all the things that bring us joy, especially the parts where that feeling comes from bringing joy to the lives of others. 

It isn't about predicting, it is about setting clear intentions, and then making the choices that lead us to the desired outcome. 

I know how to do that.  I have done it.  I am doing it right now; I just want to make sure I know what I want for the future.

For the present, making this tanish gray furball that curls up next to me and stares at me through bright yellow eyes, happy - giving her a good life in exchange for all the times she has been a patient listener, is a pretty darn good place to be.

I am grateful to have a career I love; that I do fairy well, that gives me a chance to influence lives of others positively.

I am grateful to be healthy, surrounded by family and friends who I love and I know love me. 

I am grateful for my connection to spirit, and the world, and all the live and love in it.

I am grateful to know who I am at my core, even if I don't always know where I am going in the moment. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

at the airport...again

Funny, as much as I like travel, the back to back thing is not my gig.  I need down time to recharge and I am not sure my battery is full.  Seems especially hard since though I know this training for Rotary president is required, the timing is just bad. 

San Jose of all places...oh well, it isn't like I will have time to explore even if it had been somewhere more exciting. 

I am craving time to relax at home, play with the pooch, mosaic, and have true calm and unscheduled time with Mark.  Trying to pry visits in during the midst of a busy week wasn't great for either of us. 

ok... they are calling the flight.  Paste on a smile, remember the mission of Rotary and why I love the great things it does and stands for. 

Buck up Buttercup. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

YAHOO! It works.

There isn't a lot there yet, but I am so proud I was able to follow the complicated (to me) directions and reroute my website name to the new site.  A big deal for the less than computer savvy.

Next I will figure out the best way to start adding photos.  Stop by, feel free to offer suggestions (though I don't know if I will know enough to be able to act on them if they are too much about format) and let me know what you think in general.

I am probably going to have to add a page for her Highness, Ms Isabella Rosalini Tyler.

It may be a little thing to most, but I am excited.

trying to make a website....

ok - so - finding a way to get it out there means I MUST have a website - so...conside me under construction. is coming soon to a theater near you. Or perhaps, the internet. That might get me more exposure now that I think about it.