Tuesday, October 19, 2010


maybe after the phone call to the doctor, I will shift, and rather than admit the pain, each time I think of it I will announce something I am grateful for.

I am so very grateful it was only one arm. For example.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Montana Adventure and the story of why my arm hurts sooooo much

ok - so as I write this I am actually in Upham North Dakota. My arm is severely broken, the upper arm sporting a new rod from shoulder to elbow, and my shattered wrist held together with a plate and close to a dozen screws. I have been off work since September 10th, and we are well into October...what the heck? don't fall down a stairwell - that is what I have to say about that!

Left Mark's place in Sisters on October 7th and have been through Washington, Idaho, Montana and now North Dakota - heading back to Montana for Mark to hunt deer and antelope.

The pup, Izzy, has been enjoying the trip and maturing, though she has yet to point a bird...which is her job during the bird hunting!!! She has found and fetched a few, and I love her crazy.

Mark has been amazing taking care of the dogs and me and there has been so much scenery along the way...gorgeous. Facebook now sports close to 100 photos of the adventure so far. and the most exciting news is come February, I will be headed to Austin Texas to see my mosaic, Albacore Tuna on Dock, in the Mosaic Arts International show. I can't believe it got in the show and I can't wait to see it in the gallery. I will include a photo!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

my potential SAMA project

What gets into my brain to make me try to do stuff that A) I have not done before, B) I haven't researched the process for, and C) could wind up being a lot of time spent with no useable end?

I want so much to be excited about this mosaic, but I keep finding that I can only do it in tiny little steps, and each step closer to actually putting glass on it, winds up pointing to some other inbetween step that I hadnt thought about.

Maybe it is just too hot to be doing this...

On a totally different topic...I am so crazy in love I can hardly stand it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

writing again, for real

I got the gift story done...a combination of the old one bracketed by inspiration from the life and times of this snakewoman and a fanciful thread to connect it all. Based on the reaction of the two that have read it so far, it is a success!

This weekend the pup goes to college - learning to hunt and hold birds, and then to fetch when they are shot. I will get time to have the carpets cleaned and yard work done...but I will miss her furry face.

New love though, makes up for missing the dog, and then some!

Back to it - the writing spawns a deep desire to do more...I want extra hours in the day, I have ideas, I could see writing a story that is accented with the mosaics...

Mostly, my life is feeling more balanced, more filled with love and light and purpose than I can recall. I am healthy and happy and truly grateful.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The things we see

Just realizing it is time to start the inward journey...off tomorrow, home with the pup and new man. With the women on Saturday. My head is already moving that direction.

oh my good golly does time fly...

Facebook apparently draws one away from the prose and more detailed blog updates. But then maybe, I just forgot about this. It's time though...good exercise to write more regularly, and maybe move away from the FB all things Isabella, all the time. A bit more of the personal here.

ok...finding it, remembering my log in, saying hello...its a start.



I am doing fine, thank you, and will expand on that soon.