Brad called...my friend, the amazing fisherman, says his friend the amazing fisherman (do they get exponentially more amazing?)took a group out to where we had planned to fish, and came home skunked. Not the same as getting skunked in cribbage, as fishing takes much longer than the average cribbage game and it's not like you can get 6 (the average hand in cribbage) or 15, or a cool 29...never mind this blather. Skunk might be the only fishing and cribbage connection aside from the fact that I like both, as does Brad.
oh wait, there is the fish cribbage board, that I would buy, if I knew where to find it.
OK, aside from that, 4 IKEA boxes are together, sans the rollers as they didn't come with hardware - which seems like a nasty plot against me (were I a conspiracy theorist) and I started one of the 8 (yes, 8 - there IS a grand plan)tables just to see how hard they would be. Tomorrow night - leftovers, table making, and organizing the craft room. I dare ya to tell me I am not living like a rock star.
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